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FASD Conference 2021

From National FASD ( Along with Me - A song performed by and created with input from more than 70 people with FASD Walk Along With Me - Me & My FASD

FASD The Hidden Disability

The UK has the fourth highest level of prenatal alcohol use in the world, but no estimates existed from a population-based study on how many people may have FASD.  Considered to be a relatively ‘hidden disability’ It is thought to be under-diagnosed with only one specialist clinic in England.  So What is FASD ? Why do we know so little about it ? Is it preventable ?  These questions and more are answered in this new film  ‘FASD The Hidden Disability – VIAM TV'


On International FASD Awareness Day (9 September 2021) Sheffield Children Safeguarding Children Partnership hosted a FASD conference. 

FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) is a neurological condition that affects people throughout their life. The condition is entirely preventable.  A clear message throughout the conference was No amount of alcohol at any stage of pregnancy is safe for your baby

The conference took attendees on the FASD journey, prevention, diagnosis, and support for those affected by FASD, with a range of respected speakers including the All-Party Parliamentary Group for FASD and the formal launch of the DHSC FASD needs assessment -

Feedback included:

‘Inspiring from all’

‘Excellent, comprehensive, informative, emotional and challenging’

‘The presenters and speaker were brilliant in getting the information out to us.  A good array of speaker made this conference a worthwhile attend’

‘Excellent day.  I thought I had a reasonable understanding, I was wrong.  Learnt so much that can be applied to practice.  Have a list of actions to progress’

‘Excellent conference, really informative and eye opening its been one of the best training courses i have attended for a long time’

‘EVERY medic, social worker, teacher, adopter, parent, prospective parent, teenager, therapist, MP, judge, prison officer should know about this.’

‘Really powerful presentations.  Holistic view from scientists and practitioners and parents and young people who have FASD’

‘Using information to destigmatise mothers who have had a drink during pregnancy without the full knowledge and without any intention to harm their baby.  This will hopefully lead to removing barriers of professionals asking the question and of parents to answering the question’

‘It was really great to hear directly from young people and families living with FASD’

Video clips and presentation slides

Introduction: Greg Fell and Joanna Buckard  

Dr Raja Mukherjee  

Dr Cassie Jackson

Lindsey Todd and Nathaniel

All Party Parliamentary Group on FASD

Jan and Rossi Griffin

Róisín Reynolds & Rachael Nielsen

Sandra Butcher

Kanika Grover & Debbie Reid  

Aliy Brown 

FASD Makes Me animationco-developed with input, advice, feedback and ideas from young people with FASD, their siblings and parents/carers from the FASD Hub Scotland community.  The animation has been designed so it is appealing to young people aged around 8-14, but also contains information and facts that are relevant for all to know about FASD.  You can find out more about FASD Hub Scotland by visiting

FASD conference biographies 

Drymester Campaign

The Drymester Campaign is to increase public awareness around the harm that can be caused by drinking alcohol during pregnancy.