Information for parents, carers and families Advice and guidance How to access help and support for your family (Sheffield City Council) Keeping Children Safe: Information for Parents and Carers Information about leaving children alone Building healthy parental relationships and managing conflict Guidance for parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) SEND Local Offer and what it is Sheffield SEND Information and Advice Service (SSENDIAS) Support within schools if your child may have special educational needs Helping children to be safe online Parent Zone | At the heart of digital family life Childnet — Online safety for young people CEOP Education ( Online Radicalisation Information and Support& Action to Counter Terrorism Advice about gambling Toolbox talk on gambling Gambling addiction- lived experience film NHS help with addictive gambling Support for families bereaved by suicide Chilypep: Walk With Us Toolkit (support for children, young people and families affected or bereaved by suicide) - Sheffield Suicide Support and Prevention Other sources of information and support The Sheffield Directory - Children and Families Information and Advice Sheffield City Council's Family Intervention Service (formerly MAST) provide advice and support for parents with a wide range of needs including The Parenting Hub - a range of groups and programmes that offer practical advice and support with parenting.