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Safeguarding in Education - The Transition Toolkit

Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership logo                    Education & Skills logo

Following consultation with DSL/Ds and Headteachers the Education sub-group of the Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership (SCSP) has developed a toolkit for DSL/Ds to share and transfer information and responsibility for learners in Sheffield as early as possible when they move between settings.  This toolkit is based on and develops existing good practice from across the city and education phases.


  • To improve the sharing and transfer of information and responsibility of safeguarding and related information between settings at the earliest point possible in the transition process.
  • To promote the use of shared systems, language & understanding around the identification and classification of safeguarding concerns and specific indicators of a child or young person’s vulnerability.
  • To bring together and share existing good practice from across the sector and city.

We recommend that you start by reading the Guidance document for the transition toolkit: The transition toolkit - Guidance

This guidance document will take you through the purpose and use of the rest of the toolkit documents.  The rest of the transition toolkit is made up of:
The transition toolkit - The spreadsheet

The transition toolkit -  DSL conversations template
The transition toolkit - Information sharing template
The transition toolkit - Early Years transition form and guidance
The transition toolkit - Parent / Carer / family leaflet

Once you have viewed the toolkit documents and considered how they might be used by your setting please complete this feedback form to let us know your thoughts and plans: Transition toolkit feedback form

Once education settings across the city have signed up to use the transition toolkit a list will be published here of who is using it - so that all settings can easily know who is using it.  So far we have a pledge from the following settings to trial the use of the toolkit:

  • Chorus Education Trust
  • Tapton Schools Academy Trust
  • Pipworth Primary School
  • Phillimore Primary School
  • Sheffield Park Academy
  • Longley Park Sixth Form
  • Sheffield College

If you need further support, have any questions about using the toolkit or want to discuss how we can support rolling out use of the toolkit in your setting, family of schools, locality or other grouping you can contact the Safeguarding Children Advisor for your setting or one of the DSLs who developed the toolkit: : 07554 582 917 : 07799 656 343 : 07815 966 791 : 0791 837 8014

These people are listed by the school phase they represent, with those across school phases listed first:

Katie Anderson :
Lynn Wood :
Gary Smith :
Maria Jackson-Brown :
Rebecca Sutton :
Kelly Mills
James Smythe :
Yasmin Celik :