Peer Abuse

Peer Abuse

Peer abuse includes the physical, emotional and sexual abuse of a child or young person by their peers, including:

  • Bullying (including cyber bullying)
  • Sexual violence & sexual harassment
  • Sexting
  • Teen partner abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Initiation/hazing type violence/rituals

This abuse can be motivated by perceived differences e.g. someone's race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or other differences and it can result in significant, long lasting and traumatic isolation, intimidation or violence to the victim.

Children or young people who harm others may have additional or complex needs themselves, such as significant disruption in their own lives, exposure to domestic abuse or witnessing or suffering abuse, They may experience educational under-achievement or become involved in crime.

Identifying and stopping this physical, sexual or emotional harm and ensuring the immediate safety of children and young people is important for all practitioners and agencies.

Young People and Domestic Abuse or Peer on Peer Abuse in the SCSP Child Protection and Safeguarding Procedures Manual

3.3.2 Domestic Abuse

Local guidance

National guidance

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