About Sheffield Safeguarding Children Partnership

Sheffield Safeguarding Children Partnership (SCSP) operates in line with the requirements of the statutory guidance ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023’ and covers the geographical area of Sheffield.

What does SCSP do?

The purpose of SCSP is to support and enable local organisations and agencies to work together in a system where:

  • Children are safeguarded, and their welfare promoted.
  • Partner organisations and agencies collaborate, share, and co-own the vision for how to achieve improved outcomes for vulnerable children.
  • Organisations and agencies challenge appropriately and hold one another to account effectively.
  • There is early identification and analysis of new safeguarding issues and emerging threats.
  • Learning is promoted and embedded in a way that local services for children and families can become more reflective and implement changes to practice.
  • Information is shared effectively to facilitate more accurate and timely decision making for children and families.

*The Local Safeguarding Arrangements Plan sets out how arrangements now work in Sheffield. 

*(The local safeguarding arrangements plan is currently being re written in line with recommendations from Working Together 2023).

You can read more about agency roles and responsibilities in Working Together 2023 and in the SCSP Child Protection and Procedure Manual, Agency Roles and Responsibilities.

Leadership Structure and Governance Arrangement

The three strategic safeguarding partners form the Strategic Group and set the strategic priorities, agreeing funding and resources, and driving forward the work of the Partnership, whilst ensuring that the vision and values are upheld.

They advise and support the Executive Partnership Group to develop, implement and monitor an annual plan based on the priority actions agreed against the core business.

The three local safeguarding partners jointly leading the partnership are:

social care partner photo

Sheffield City Council
represented by Meredith Teasdale, Strategic Director of Children's Services 

health partner photo

Sheffield Integrated Care Board (ICB)
represented by Alun Windle, Chief Nurse

Jamie Henderson - Police Photo

South Yorkshire Police
represented by Jamie Henderson, Chief Superintendent and Sheffield District Commander


scrutineer photo

Lesley Smith sits across both the children and adult partnerships.  Lesley acts as a constructive critical friend and is a key driver in promoting reflection for continuous improvement across the partnership.

Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership Sub-groups

Our work as a partnership is supported through the following subgroups:

SCSP Structure chart

Partnership Executive Group

The Executive Partnership Group has a wide strategic membership of key stakeholders and relevant agencies, including schools, probation services, the lead member for children’s services and health providers. The Executive Partnership Group propels the work of the Partnership, in line with the vision and values. This group develops, delivers, and oversees the agreed annual plan and directs the Partnership’s subgroups into implementation of the plan.

Learning and Practice Improvement Group (LPIG)

LPIG identifies multi-agency safeguarding learning needs that require addressing to ensure partner agencies develop their workforces to a high-quality standard and are keeping children safe. The group also has oversight of the SCSP’s Learning Cycle to ensure effective join up across the whole system.

Vulnerable Young People Executive Board (VYPEB)

The VYPEB oversees the delivery of the contextual safeguarding strategy and action plan to monitor the multi-agency response to this cohort of young people. This is co-chaired by the Director for Children and Families and South Yorkshire Police.

Audit and Performance Group

The Audit and Performance Group is responsible for analysing multi-agency safeguarding performance data to inform the Partnership Executive Group of relevant trends and risks.

Case Review Group

The purpose of the Case Review subgroup is to support the SCSP’s statutory function in responding to and managing serious child safeguarding incidents. The CSR subgroup will be responsible for the implementation and review of action plans and learning following either a Rapid Review or Child Safeguarding Practice Review, including learning from relevant local Domestic Homicide Reviews.

Hidden Harm Group

The Hidden Harm group are responsible for overseeing the work of the 21-25 Hidden Harm strategy and implantation plan. A strategy to identify, support, safeguard and improve the health and well-being of families where there is drug and alcohol misuse, domestic abuse, harmful gambling and or mental ill health.

Child Death Overview Panel

The purpose of the Child Death Overview Panel is to:

  • Review the deaths of all children (excluding those babies who are stillborn and planned terminations of pregnancy carried out within the law) up to the age of 18 years normally resident in the Sheffield area.
  • To identify any wider health, public health or safety concerns arising from a particular death or from a pattern of deaths in Sheffield.
  • To make recommendations to the Local Safeguarding Partners or other relevant bodies to prevent future similar deaths where possible.

Effectiveness Steering Group

The purpose of the Effectiveness steering group is to facilitate the development of a culture of continuous learning and improvement from reviews across the entire safeguarding system in Sheffield. The Effectiveness subgroup will be responsible for reviewing local learning following either a Rapid Review or Child Safeguarding Practice Review, Safeguarding Adult Review or Domestic Homicide Review.

The Effectiveness steering group will also consider learning from Multi Agency Audits, Joint Case Reviews, Adult Learning Lessons Reviews and Domestic Abuse Serious Incident Reviews.

Multi Agency Audit Group (MAAG)

MAAG sits within the learning and practice improvement group framework. Three cases a year are selected for multi-agency audit and the process requires each agency involved with the individual to complete an audit and brief chronology. Following this, agencies meet to discuss the case.

The purpose is to highlight area of strengths and good practice for both single agencies and in partnership working, areas requiring improvement, areas of identified learning and emerging themes to enable a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Neglect Steering Group

The Neglect steering group are responsible for overseeing the work of the 21-24 Neglect strategy and implantation plan. The strategy aims to ensure that the early recognition of neglect and

improved responses by all agencies reduces the number of

children who need statutory intervention and when this is required the life chances of children are promptly improved and the risk of harm reduced.

Domestic Abuse Children & Young People as Victims Group

The purpose of the group is to bring together professionals in Sheffield working with children and young people who are victims of domestic abuse to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the change in legislation and to take a multi-agency approach to review and understand current provision for children as victims of domestic abuse in Sheffield.

Education Steering Group

The education steering group provides a forum for representatives from education settings, services & providers across the Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership boundaries to identify, review, and innovatively address safeguarding challenges within education. This is done through a project-based approach which focuses on developing or improving local practice.

The role of the SCSP Team

The SCSP Team supports the work of the partnership by developing, delivering, and monitoring.

  • Multi-agency safeguarding policies and procedures.
  • Multi-agency and education safeguarding training.
  • Quality assures safeguarding systems and practice.
  • Share and embed learning to improve safeguarding systems and practice.
  • Hold organisations to account.

Who we are and what we do

SCSP Business Plan 23-25 and Workforce Development Strategy

As a partnership, we have agreed the following key priorities, based on what we know about the lives of children and young people in Sheffield, and what works to improve them.  Our priorities our co-owned, transcend organisational boundaries and hold each other to account.

SCSP Business Plan 2023-25

The SCSP Workforce Development Strategy provides a framework to support each agency within the partnership to deliver high quality safeguarding practice with a shared responsibility to develop and report our progress on the plan.

Workforce Development Strategy 2022-25

SCSP Annual Report

SCSP publishes an annual report providing an evaluation as to the effectiveness of the partnership's multi-agency safeguarding arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children in Sheffield.

How to find more information about SCSP

The SCSP produces a quarterly newsletter containing updates and information about safeguarding issues in Sheffield.

  • SCSP Newsletter

Please use this link to subscribe and share with anyone in your organisation who may benefit.


  •  Twitter Account

SCSP has a Twitter account where we highlight the work that we undertake as well as link into our partners locally and nationally. Please follow us @SheffieldLCSP.

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