E-Learning Courses Available
The Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership (SCSP) also provides a number of e-learning courses. All programmes use engaging interactive screens, challenges, tracking and online assessment, and on completion all learners receive a SCSP certificate.
Prior to attending Multi-agency Safeguarding Children Training it is recommended that you have a basic understanding of Safeguarding Children. This can be through your own agencies training or by completing one of the courses below
- If you are working directly with children and families and seeking a comprehensive introductory course the Level 3 Safeguarding Children is recommended for most practitioners.
- Having completed the above course you are advised to update your knowledge by undertaking the ‘Safeguarding Children Refresher (NB: this course is only accessible to learners who have previously completed the full Safeguarding Children course).
- If you work in an education setting then 'Safeguarding Children in Education' is the recommended introductory course.
NB. Level 3 Safeguarding Children E-learning has a different meaning to Level 3 in the Intercollegiate Requirements for health professionals.
E-learning courses available:
Attachment Theory |
Child Sexual Exploitation |
Female Genital Mutilation, Recognising and Preventing FGM |
Learning Difficulties and Disabilities |
LGBQT Awareness |
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards |
Modern Slavery and Trafficking |
Radicalisation and Extremism |
Safer Recruitment |
Safeguarding Children - Level 3 |
Safeguarding Children Refresher |
Safeguarding in Education |
Safe Sleeping for Babies |
Supporting Teenagers and Young People |
Toxic Trio |
Obtaining a learner account and accessing courses
Click here to REGISTER.
If you already have an SCSP e-learning account, click here to LOG ON. If you have forgotten your log on/password it will prompt you to reset it.
The SCSP incurs a charge for all courses allocated, whether completed or not. There is an expectation that all e-learning courses will be completed. We strongly recommend that learners enrol on no more than two courses and complete them within 2-3 weeks. If after 6 weeks you have not started a course this will be removed from your e-learning account.
For further advice or information please contact us, by Tel: 0114 2734530 Email: safeguardingchildrentraining@sheffield.gov.uk
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