E-Learning Courses Available

The Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership (SCSP) also provides a number of e-learning courses.  All programmes use engaging interactive screens, challenges, tracking and online assessment, and on completion all learners receive a SCSP certificate.

Prior to attending Multi-agency Safeguarding Children Training it is recommended that you have a basic understanding of Safeguarding Children.  This can be through your own agencies training or by completing one of the courses below
  • If you are working directly with children and families and seeking a comprehensive introductory course the Level 3 Safeguarding Children is recommended for most practitioners.

  • Having completed the above course you are advised to update your knowledge by undertaking the ‘Safeguarding Children Refresher (NB: this course is only accessible to learners who have previously completed the full Safeguarding Children course).

  • If you work in an education setting then 'Safeguarding Children in Education' is the recommended introductory course.

NB. Level 3 Safeguarding Children E-learning has a different meaning to Level 3 in the Intercollegiate Requirements for health professionals. 

E-learning courses available:

Attachment Theory
Child Sexual Exploitation
Female Genital Mutilation, Recognising and Preventing FGM
Learning Difficulties and Disabilities
LGBQT Awareness
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Modern Slavery and Trafficking
Radicalisation and Extremism
Safer Recruitment
Safeguarding Children - Level 3
Safeguarding Children Refresher
Safeguarding in Education
Safe Sleeping for Babies
Supporting Teenagers and Young People
Toxic Trio

Obtaining a learner account and accessing courses

Click here to REGISTER. 

If you already have an SCSP e-learning account, click here to LOG ON.  If you have forgotten your log on/password it will prompt you to reset it.

The SCSP incurs a charge for all courses allocated, whether completed or not.  There is an expectation that all e-learning courses will be completed.  We strongly recommend that learners enrol on no more than two courses and complete them within 2-3 weeks.  If after 6 weeks you have not started a course this will be removed from your e-learning account.

For further advice or information please contact us, by Tel: 0114 2734530 Email: safeguardingchildrentraining@sheffield.gov.uk

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