Education Settings - Advanced Refresher training for DSLs and DSDs only 2024-25 (Option 2 - People in Positions of Trust and Bullying)

Key Information to read before you book

This course is only for professionals who have the safeguarding role of Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), or Designated Safeguarding Deputy (DSD) in your school’s safeguarding team on SchoolPoint.

Only DSDs who will be expected to genuinely and fully deputise for the DSL should attend this course. Other members of your setting’s safeguarding team should attend our new Intermediate Safeguarding in Education course.

DSLs and DSDs fully and genuinely deputising for the DSL are members of your setting’s safeguarding team who undertake all elements and levels of safeguarding work but often focus at the higher levels of the Threshold of Needs. This work would also include;  attending Strategy meetings, ICPCs and RCPCs, making referrals to the Safeguarding Hub and overseeing On-line Safety, all safeguarding disclosures and records.

Headteachers may also wish to attend this course if they are not the DSL or a DSD. 

Before completing this training you must have completed the Advanced Initial training for DSLs and DSDs as well as the face-to-face Basic Centralised/Whole-School Safeguarding Children in Education Training with Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership (SCSP) within the last 3 years or the e-learning Safeguarding in Education. 

Staff who are not a DSL, a DSD as defined above, or a Headteacher, will be contacted to discuss their role and potentially removed from the course. Instead, these members of your safeguarding team can book onto our new Intermediate Safeguarding in Education Course. 

In Sheffield, DSL/Ds who need to complete the Advanced Initial course must attend this half-day training every academic year to keep up to date with safeguarding developments.  The annual refresher programme will highlight topical safeguarding and child protection issues and changes in legislation, procedure and practice. 

We strongly recommend that you book your place as far as possible in advance – even if you are not “due” to complete your annual refresher until next June or July – that way we can see where there is pressure on course places and respond to this. 

You will notice that the content for sessions is different. Please book on to whichever course has the content that is either most relevant to your setting or your own professional development.  We would recommend a strategic and co-ordinated coverage of all options for settings with several DSL/Ds. 

Each DSL/D only needs to complete 1 option in order to be compliant with their annual training requirement.  Those who book onto more than 1 option will be asked to give up places if demand requires this.

It does not “matter” if the course you complete is within or over a year since your last advanced refresher course – what is important is that you complete an advanced refresher course every academic year

This change is in response to your feedback as is our offer of a variety of online and face to face sessions. The content from all sessions will be made available to all DSL/Ds via the education pages of the SCSP website at the end of the academic year.


The PIPOT element will include:

- Safeguarding Culture
- Your online presence
- Expectations of ourselves and other adults
- Keeping ourselves and others safe
- Use of personal devices and wearable technology
- Low-level concerns and allegations
- This session can act as a ‘train the trainer’ session for DSLs to disseminate to their staff during PDM time

 The Bullying responses element will include:

- What bullying is?
- Why do children bully?
- How we recognise bulling in our settings
- Barriers to recognising and responding to bullying
- Tools and resources with reference to the THRIVE model

General course information

Morning sessions are 9.00am -12:15pm. Afternoon sessions are 1.00pm – 4.15pm.  Sessions start promptly at the stated time so please ensure you arrive and are settled in good time for the start.  If you arrive late it will be at the trainer’s discretion to decide whether you need to re-book for another date. 

Attendance must be prioritised. Non-attendance without prior cancellation or agreement will be charged if it is not in line with our charging policy.  You can cancel your place via the training booking system and please also let us know so we can offer your place to someone else. 

If you do not attend the annual advanced refresher course each academic year it is likely that you will need to repeat the Advanced Initial 2 day training course to remain as a DSL or DSD. 

If you are attending this course on-line please be aware that the session may be recorded so that the training content is available for future use by the advisor team as we further develop our training offer to education settings. If you are not comfortable with this please contact us to discuss options.

The course is free for maintained schools and academies.  There is a charge for 'free' and independent school staff attending.

You must register or login to check availability on all course dates.

**Places are limited to 3 places per school per course.  Additional places booked will be cancelled and you will be asked to move to another date.**

If you are unsure if this is the right course or to contact us about training telephone 0114 2734530 or email


March 2025

Date Time Duration Location Places Available  
12/03/2025 09:00-12:15 1 Day Zoom - Online Login for availability

April 2025

Date Time Duration Location Places Available  
25/04/2025 09:00-12:15 1 Day Moorfoot Learning Centre Login for availability

June 2025

Date Time Duration Location Places Available  
26/06/2025 13:15-16:30 1 Day Zoom - Online Login for availability